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Eco-Tea Liquid Dressing
Improve Crop Germination & Early Plant Development
Primers & Seed Dressing

For Soybeans, Pea and Lentils, Cereals, Specialty Crops, Forage and Cover Crops

What is it?

  • Liquid seed dressing works best for cereals, peas, lentils and edible beans
  • Eco-Tea products are designed to help you mix your own liquid dressings depending on your crop’s needs and size. It is a combination of

why use it?

  • EcoTeaTM Seed Dressing biological inoculant will coat the seed with various bacteria and fungi, which will activate and thrive with the seedling
  • It has shown to improve root development, nutrient use efficiency and reduce mortality from disease
  • EcoTeTM is 100% sustainable and contains no human pathogens

What to expect?

  • Available in 10 L, 20 L, 208 L and 1000 L
  • Thoroughly mix Super Concentrated Inoculum (Part A) with Liquid Catalyst (Part B) in a container and apply to seed at a rate of:
    • Cereals: 3.5 ml/lb of seed
    • Peas, Lentils and Edible Beans: 3.5 ml/lb of seed. It can be co-applied with other biological inoculants.
    • Forage and Small Seeded Crops (alfalfa, hemp, quinoa and canola): Use EcoTeaTM In-Furrow application or EcoTeaTM Dry Seed Dressin for best results.

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